Oh, San Pancho! I love San Francisco, but San Francisco doesn’t
love me
I met you when I was sixteen
Those roller-coaster streets
That gravity defying architecture
I was captivated
From my home in Sacramento
I pined for my next time in the city
10pm and I would find a friend on a whim to drive
Steps of Rome was alive by the time we arrived
My big ticket was a college transfer
From Sac City College to SF State
Big city living meant cramped quarters
I turned 21 in the co-op
El Mensajero gave me my first desk job
And Balazo Gallery was across the street to inspire me
The year 2000 hit
And someone else was yelling Yahoo
Art History took me around the world
But San Francisco remained the barometer
The streets are less vibrant now
Can I help restore your color?
Ode to SF - 2018
Ode to SF - 2018